Oct 7, 2022

The alternator belt is a vital part of your car’s engine. As the crankshaft turns, it causes the alternator belt to move. The belt moves across a series of pulleys and causes the pulleys to spin. The spinning pulleys power the alternator, AC, and other important components. As your Lincoln dealer, we’d like to tell you some signs that you need a new car belt.

Squealing Noises

The alternator belt is manufactured from tough, reinforced rubber, but it can eventually wear out. A belt is usually replaced every 40,000 to 70,000 miles. Your Lincoln’s manual will give the exact time for replacement, as the belt is changed during one of your scheduled services. One of the first signs that your belt is starting to go bad is a chirping noise, which will gradually escalate into louder squealing noises.

An alternator belt is kept under constant tension to work correctly. Your belt’s tension is maintained by a spring-loaded or hydraulic belt tensioner.  A failure in the belt tensioner can cause the belt to squeal even if the belt is in good condition. Our technicians will check the belt, and fix the problem.

Your Belt Is Covered in Oil

A good belt can be damaged by problems with other parts of your engine. One possible cause of this damage is an engine oil leak. Engine oil is the lifeblood of your car, as it serves to lubricate all of the moving parts. It also helps to control the temperature in your engine by reducing friction between moving components. Wear or damage, however, can cause an oil leak.

Oil and rubber don’t mix. If your engine develops an oil leak, the oil may drip onto the rubber. Oil will rapidly react with the rubber and damage it. The oil breaks down the rubber and can cause your belt to stretch. If the leak continues, a damaged belt can eventually snap. Our technicians will find and repair the cause of the oil leak, then we’ll replace your belt.

Failing Components

As we’ve seen, the movement of the belt powers a variety of key components in your car. Should your belt start to fail, this failure will affect these components. You may, for example, notice that your steering becomes heavy. If you struggle to turn the wheel, the problem could be due to a damaged belt.

The belt controls the power steering pump, which allows you to easily turn the wheel. A damaged belt reduces the pump’s pressure and makes steering difficult. Once we replace the belt, your steering will return to normal.

If you think you may have a worn belt, call us right away at Bayway Lincoln.

Image Via Lincoln