Oct 6, 2023

With its sleek design, plush interiors, and high-end features, a brand-new Lincoln could be the car of your dreams. The biggest question standing in your way isn’t just which model to choose at the Lincoln dealer, but also how to get behind the wheel. Should you buy or lease? There are pros and cons to both, so it’s worth studying up.

The Benefits of Buying

If you choose to buy, once you’ve paid off the loan, the car is all yours. There’s a certain joy in owning something, especially when it’s a beautiful Lincoln. There are some other factors to consider, too, that might make buying the right choice for you.

No Mileage Caps

Love road trips? Unlike with a lease, when you buy your car there are no yearly mileage limits. That cross-country drive or spontaneous weekend getaway is totally doable without the worry of overstepping your mileage boundaries.

Customize Away

Want a fresh paint job or those flashy new rims? When you own your car, you’re free to customize it to your heart’s content. Your car, your rules!

Long-Term Savings

Although buying may come with a heftier up-front price tag, in the long run, it can be more economical. With each payment you make, you’ll be building equity in your vehicle, giving you an asset that you can later sell or trade for another car. Plus, once you’ve paid off your loan, you don’t have to worry about monthly payments.

Cruising Through a Lease

A lease works differently. Instead of paying to own your vehicle, what you’re doing is more like renting. In a lease, you agree to use the car for a specific amount of time. Once time is up, you will return it to the dealership with the option to buy it at a reduced price or lease a different car.

Lower Monthly Payments

Leasing a Lincoln generally means you’ll have a smaller monthly payment compared to someone buying their car. This could free up some cash in your budget while still allowing you to drive the car of your choice.

Stay Updated

If you’re the kind who adores the latest tech and newest models, leasing is your golden ticket. Typically, leases run for 2-4 years, after which you can upgrade to the latest new Lincoln without the hassle of selling your old one.

Warranty Wins

Most lease terms align with the vehicle’s warranty period. this means that if anything goes wrong, you’re likely covered, making maintenance a breeze. Plus, once your lease is up, you can choose to buy the car, start a new lease, or simply walk away.

Should You Buy or Lease at the Lincoln Dealer?

The choice between a lease or buying a car boils down to your lifestyle and priorities. Do you see yourself cruising along in the same Lincoln for years to come? Then buying might be the way to go. Or do you prefer to lease a new car every few years, always staying in touch with the latest trends and tech?

In either case, driving a Lincoln is an experience in itself. No matter which you choose, you’re in for a luxurious ride. If you’re ready to hit the road in style, come by Bayway Lincoln, and we’ll help find the perfect fit for you!

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